Meaning of (निश्चित करना) nishchit karna in english
As noun : book Ex:  this is a lucidly written book
condition Ex:  As a condition of his return set the seal on fix cost Ex:  Development cost soared
As verb : confirm Ex:  Brazil, that seemed to confirm this alternative mechanism of transmission. decide Ex:  By extension, the Jury of Honour Meeting appointed arbitrators to decide a question which concerns the honor conclude Ex:  This established fact, I conclude the need to determine Ex:  Astronomers can determine the mass calculate set Ex:  Paradise Park : set and filmed in West Virginia. assure Ex:  I assure you that this is assign Ex:  He assign tenants to move her declaration arrange Ex:  IMPOSE in terms of Printing, means Ranger, arrange the pages to compose a form such that they are in the proper order on the printed sheet folded and
Other : settle a list of creditors to bear out to confirm Ex:  It Sentiment was also told of an author, or an important character, which relates to confirm what is said ensure Ex:  This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat formulate Ex:  formulate a doctrine to conclude Ex:  , Chasing, someone pressed the sword in the kidneys, the strongly pressing to conclude a deal completed define Ex:  Others define it as the region beyond Neptune appoint Ex:  Abbey in commendam, Celle that we could appoint a secular ecclesiastical
Suggested : to settle or decide (a dispute, question, etc) by an authoritative or conclusive decision to bring to an end finish terminate a handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers to solve or conclude (a question, controversy, or struggle) by giving victory to one side to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of corroborate verify
Word of the day
(निश्चित करना) nishchit karna
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
nishchita karanaa